For a bit of fun, and to get back into some python programming, I decided to make a small terminal experience. If there is one thing I love more than programming, it is cats. So, I decided to make a small program that generates a very simple little cat bio.
The program itself is quite basic. I started off with 4 lists to cover the generated bits of data I wanted to put into my bio. Then I laid out a basic bio template string that I could format later to include the bits of data picked at random.
I wrote a function that will choose a random element from any given list and then return it. Using this I was able to quickly pick some random data to format the bio_structure string with and then display that in the terminal.
Once I had all this working, I moved the lists data into separate text files that I read in, and appended each line into the now empty lists that I had above.
In the future I'd like to extend the word lists and maybe introduce a few different layouts for the bio to add a bit of variety.
The work itself can be found on Github -